Spooky's Commissions

For Pixel Art and Icons

Ground Rules:

- I will not draw anything that makes me feel uncomfortable. Stuff like NSFW, fetish stuff, controversial topics, or ship dynamics that romanticize abuse.
- I will refuse service if at any point I feel threatened or mistreated. If this happens after a payment, you’ll get a refund.
- My art will have a watermark on it after I’ve completed it. It’s simply a link to my Instagram.
- The first price calculation is NOT final, that will be decided shortly before payment is required.

The Art I do

I create mostly pixel art. This usually encompasses a variety of pieces. I can make character icons, complex scenes, and landscapes. However, I cannot draw human faces, or extremely complex designs without aid. I also struggle to complete a piece if it involves too many things going on with the character design, or any other object in the piece.

In case you're interested

I've linked my main social, as well as my email. There's also a discord server where you can get into contact with me. The discord is the best way to contact me.

Basic Price Information

The very bottom price for a piece that takes me less than 6hrs is $7.50 USD. The bottom price for a piece that takes me longer than 6hrs is $15.00. If the piece takes me longer than 8hrs, the price goes up by 50 cents every hour past that threshold.My process for handling payment is rather simple. After I finish the sketch, or before I start to colour, I will give you a final price for the piece. This is meant to include a calculated estimate for the additional $0.50/hr cost, if not overcompensate for it. When I finish the piece, I will show you how long it took me, and if that number is less than what I originally priced, I will give you the difference back.Other price increases are caused by specifications in the piece. This includes object number, effect usage, background complexity, and the fineness of details. Fineness basically means how small the brush is relative to the canvas. For example, a square 768x768 canvas with a 5pt pen thickness will cost nothing extra while a 2500x2500 canvas with the same pen thickness would cost $3.00 extra.

Canvas SizeBrush SizePrice
768 x 76810pt, 7pt, 5pt$0.00, $0.00, $0.00
540 x 93810pt, 7pt, 5pt$0.00, $0.50, $1.00
768 x 102410pt, 7pt, 5pt$0.00, $0.50, $1.00
1080 x 187610pt, 7pt, 5pt$0.00, $1.00, $2.00
1500 x 180010pt, 7pt, 5pt$0.00, $1.00, $2.00
2000 x 200010pt, 7pt, 5pt$1.00, $2.00, $3.00
3000 x 105510pt, 7pt, 5pt$1.00, $2.00, $3.00

List of Other Additional Costs:
- $2.00 Per Additional Character/Object
- $3.00 Per Complex Character/Object
- $4.00 For Complex Background
- $2.00 if particles, or difficult lighting, are used (Like snow, rain, smoke, distortion)

Price Examples

Price: $7.50
Time Spent: <6hrs

Price: $10.50
Time Spent: <6hrs
Complex Character (Many appendages, difficult to pose)

Price: $22.00
Time Spent: >6hrs
Additional Character
Complex Background
Small Brush Size

Price: $12.50
Time Spent: <6Hrs
Additional Character
Complex Characters